Comedy and funny instrumental melody "Comedy Background" by AlexLouder is a light and bright arrangement. It is perfect for dubbing and accompanying any projects for children. It is especially children who will like the transparent and joyful atmosphere that this piece of music creates.
The music is humorous, playful, humorous and light. It is even amusing and funny. The melody is pleasant, light, clean, sly and graceful.
The rhythm of the instrumental composition is clear, expressive and easy. The pace is accelerated, pronounced and playful.
Comedy Background has a joyful, bright, pleasant, carefree and joyful harmony. This is an excellent choice for any projects that require the creation and maintenance of a light and playful atmosphere.
Without a doubt, this tune will enhance your project, whether it be for corporate or personal use:
TV or Radio Advert / Commercial, Youtube Video, Podcast, Film, Television, Video Game Soundtrack, Social Media Marketing, School and College Work, Videohive Preview, Viral Marketing Campaign, Mobile Phone App, Business and Promotional Presentation, Home Video, Theme Tune, Youtube Channel Intro / Outro, Crowdfunding Video, Background Music, Slide Show, Documentary, Cinema, TV Promotion, Web, Sports Media, Party / Gig Promo Video…
Take a look at the entire portfolio:
The music is humorous, playful, humorous and light. It is even amusing and funny. The melody is pleasant, light, clean, sly and graceful.
The rhythm of the instrumental composition is clear, expressive and easy. The pace is accelerated, pronounced and playful.
Comedy Background has a joyful, bright, pleasant, carefree and joyful harmony. This is an excellent choice for any projects that require the creation and maintenance of a light and playful atmosphere.
Without a doubt, this tune will enhance your project, whether it be for corporate or personal use:
TV or Radio Advert / Commercial, Youtube Video, Podcast, Film, Television, Video Game Soundtrack, Social Media Marketing, School and College Work, Videohive Preview, Viral Marketing Campaign, Mobile Phone App, Business and Promotional Presentation, Home Video, Theme Tune, Youtube Channel Intro / Outro, Crowdfunding Video, Background Music, Slide Show, Documentary, Cinema, TV Promotion, Web, Sports Media, Party / Gig Promo Video…
Take a look at the entire portfolio: